See What Our Clients Have To Say About Us
Five Star Service and Training
It is with considerable pleasure I write a tribute to the vast talents of New England IT Partners. From the moment I contacted them, they have set the bar for service. As our business has grown, they have been at our side every step of the way to assist us in developing the technology component so critical for any business. In addition to guiding us in our technology needs they have met the challenge of training a large inter-generational team of associates.
I trust them implicitly in all their endeavors. They embody all that you could hope for in a business partner. They are a 5 star company.

The Higgins Group Realtors
They Are Truly Partners In Our Success
AMC is a small business that provides employee screening services to customers throughout the United States. Our network is the lifeblood of our business since data received from our laboratories is received 24/7/365 and subsequently electronically reported to our customers. Our customers cannot afford delays in receiving their test results and for this reason we needed an IT company that could monitor our network, PCs and servers 24/7/365. We chose New England IT Partners and they have really exceeded all of our expectations. They often fix problems remotely that we were unaware that even existed. They are truly more than an IT company; they are a strategic partner that we consider part of our team. As a small business we do not have the time or internal resources to manage technology issues. When we need to upgrade any hardware or need a recommendation for software, New England IT Partners is always there to assist. It is refreshing to be partnering with a trustworthy IT company that we can consider a trusted technology adviser.

Their Level Of Expertise and Professionalism Is Unmatched
As we all know in this day and age time is money and when we encounter issues, from the simplest problems to the most severe, their immediate response has always been remarkable. From the moment we report a trouble area, New England IT Partners will have one of their representatives either on‐site or connected remotely resolving the problem immediately.
I could not be more pleased with New England IT Partners performance. I have worked with many Information Technology companies in the past; however, the level of expertise, commitment and professionalism that New England IT Partners possesses is unmatched.

Immediate Response Whenever We Need Them
Jones Machine has depended on New England IT’s expertise for over 10 years. They always get the job done no matter how large or small and we can rely on a response from them instantaneously, usually resolving our issues at that time. Their knowledge and reliability go above and beyond our experiences with prior IT relationships.

Personalized Service Makes Them A Partner In Our Success
New England IT Partners is truly a “Partner” in our success. Knowing that our IT network is being monitored 24/7/365 and that any problem will be resolved quickly is a great feeling. They deal with problems pro-actively and in real-time which has been a tremendous asset to our business. They have an uncanny ability to make IT challenges and issues understandable to the lay person. They put our business interests first. They have taken the time to learn what our business needs and never hesitate to make suggestions for improvement to our systems. Knowing our network is taken care of allows us to focus on running our business.

Chris Hennessy Dadgar Insurance AgencyWe Would Highly Recommend Them To Anyone
Our company has been through several IT companies and we find no one has been more qualified than New England IT. We have found in the past that pricing is not everything. Truth is, you get what you pay for. They are available to us 24/7 and we never suffer any lengthy "down time" which would interrupt the work flow in our very busy office.
We are very comfortable with the network security provided to us knowing how important this is in today's world. As the administrator, I feel they go above and beyond helping us understand what is truly at risk and answer any questions I have at any time.
In our office, it is definitely a plus having their services as far as computer upgrade and the capability to dial in and fix errors immediately. They have also dialed in during the late evening hours to fix minor problems that could "wait" until the user was not at their station.
When I ask, they are always willing to provide updated info on new software and are honest to explain whether we need the software or not.
We are very comfortable with New England IT Partners and would highly recommend them to anyone who would like the strong sense of "security" we have on all levels here at Dadgar Insurance Agency.
What Other MSPs Offer In Price Breaks, They Offer In Attentive Service
When we originally started our search for a Managed Services solution we instinctively started shopping by price as well. Fortunately, we chose New England IT Partners opposed to what may have been the cheapest option. What other companies offer in price breaks New England IT Partners offers in attentive service. We have not had a single instance where John and his team have not given us 100% devotion and attention to fix even the smallest of issues. Every email that is sent is addressed within an hour’s time and a schedule to mediate the issue is created immediately. In the short time that NEITP has been a part of our team they have helped us upgrade our email, Microsoft Office solutions, and do a full software system upgrade. There is no job too large or too small for this team and above all the service they offer is second to none. Although they might not be the cheapest option they will absolutely be the best decision you make.
Monitoring was the option we were weariest about when signing on to have a Managed Services partner as this was not something we immediately thought necessary. I can tell you that in the short time NEITP has been a part of our team they found an issue with our file server backup failing and our security system not recording. Luckily, both of these issues hadn’t caused us any problems up to that point but if something disastrous would have happened we would have lost everything. For the peace of mind alone having NEITP monitor your systems is worth the money. I can now leave work every day knowing that if something happens NEITP will get an alert immediately and the problem will be fixed before it can cause any issues that may affect your company.

Carol S. D. Hegarty, Chief Financial Officer Gladding-Hearn ShipbuildingReluctant At First, Managed Services Saved Our Company More Than Once
When we started with networked computers, we used a low budget guy up the street and his teenage assistant. While we thought we were saving money with this option, we weren’t. The inconsistent approach to each workstation, the cobbled together connections, and slow response time became a big problem. Secure systems, set up in a consistent way is worth spending a little more for the continuity in operations and the peace of mind that if something does go wrong – we have a qualified person responding in a timely fashion.
When we first considered the continuous monitoring, we were reluctant to spend the money. As time went on and we started having compatibility problems and emergency calls to NEIT, we realized that we needed a more pro-active approach. Having daily review of the servers and the individual workstations has stopped the emergency phone calls that someone’s system has crashed or even worse – the server went down and there was no backup. We now know that our files are backed up securely nightly and that we can really recover the files if there is a problem.
NEIT Is Absolutely Worth Every Penny And More!
Our company reviews costs continually as well as at budget time but one thing we never debate is our expense to John.
Our server and computers are our lifeline and we know we will get the best service from John. When we call or email John we get service right away if we need it or if it can wait we get the service within 24 hours. When I email John I get an email back from John even if it is to tell me he is in the middle of something; if I call him I get him not some answering service where do you get that these days.
I cannot tell you the last time we have had any significant down time. Even when we have done a significant upgrade John offers to come up early or on the weekend to make it smoother for our company, what other company will do that.
I feel that John treats us like we are one of his friends and he wants to help us and make things run the right way I NEVER feel like I am a problem to John no matter how busy he is. We get very personal and professional service from John and he is worth every penny we pay him!
We do not have anyone at our company that has any IT experience so we depend on John to monitor our system so that we are safe from any hacks, virus, etc. We do a lot of business overseas and we could easily get attacked and to date John has kept us safe from this and the way he monitors this I do not anticipate that we will have any problems in the future.
We have people traveling all over the world and some of them are not very tech savvy and they let others do things with their computers that should not be done but somehow John has them set up so we still do not get hack, breached or get any viruses. We have had at least one person get a virus on their laptop but because of John’s monitoring it stayed on the laptop and within a day John was up at our company fixing the laptop so our employee could us it again and the virus never was transmitted to another computer or our server.
With so many people out in the world trying to get into computer systems today I think you need to have a person in your company dedicated to making sure this does not happen, we don’t have the time or means to do this that is why we have John and I feel safe that John is taking care of this exceptionally well. He even monitors on the weekends when I am at home relaxing but when my computers are still at risk because I may have people remotely accessing from their homes or from somewhere around the world.
John may be a little more expensive but the peace of mind I get knowing he is monitoring my system is well worth it in my mind.